Sunday, May 09, 2010


Ah, "Sorry"... such an overused word.

You say "Sorry" when you've made a mistake.
You say "Sorry" when you've done something wrong.
You say "Sorry" when you've pissed someone off.
You say "Sorry" when you've hurt someone's feelings...

But should you be saying "Sorry" when in fact, you've done nothing wrong at all?

I guess the answer to that should be no, regardless of whether the other party expects an apology from whoever or not.

And that's what is wrong with me. I have this tendency to apologise and feel bad for things that I shouldn't be apologising for, because in fact, I did no wrong at all.

Is it pity I'm feeling for the other party that makes me apologise? Or am I only wanting to please the other party and not hurt his or her feelings that makes me do it? Or maybe it's just purely an act of extracting pity for myself for being in that situation and wanting to turn the tide around to put attention on myself instead?

Either way, I feel like crap every time this happens. I don't enjoy it, it puts me down. But yet I still do it. And although there's that part of me inside resisting and trying to stand up and fight and say, "You freaking did nothing wrong, what in the world are you apologising for?".. I somehow manage to shut that part up and end up apologising thereafter.

I'm just so miserably pathetic, aren't I?


tInKy said...

You and me, Yong. Same habit.

No idea how to stop myself, tho.

Fantasizer said...

lol yong, it's quite normal to happen nowdays. I meant me too haha. Well sometimes just have to insist and stop saying if not others will think u're really wrong and they're very right -.-

Yong-Sama said...

Ooo.. is this something that mostly happens to girls? lol..

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