Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gone, again

I lost my "virginity" for the second time this year...

No, no, no, don't worry.. I'm not talking about THE virginity...

No. 1 was lost when I went up to Genting in January.. The slots stole RM20 from me... Lol...

No. 2 was/or is/or whatever tense it's supposed to be
I donated blood for the first time in my life! :D
At PPUM (Formerly known as University Hospital)
And... I'm feeling happy because:
1. I got a nicer donor book than my friends have from before :p (hardcover book leh! Hahah)
2. Free food ftw! (Should've asked for apple juice.. I didn't know they had a juicer)
3. I did a good deed, and hopefully just saved someone's life in the future! (Eh, why this one come last one? XDD)

But I think I shall just go lie down now.. Lol
Will be going for Taekwondo later :p
Crazy, yeah?

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