Monday, September 17, 2007

Late Night Show with Yong-sama

When you share a room with a sibling of the opposite sex and both of you are suffering from minor insomnia during the night...

Sis: Good night.
Bro: Good night, jie. Good night, jie. Good night, jie.
Sis: Shhh. Shut up. I've to wake up early tomorrow.
Bro: Good night, jie.

10 minutes later...
Bro: Jie? You sleep d? Hello? Jie???
Sis: What!?
Bro: Nothing.
Sis: Tsk.
Bro: I can't sleep.
Sis: I don't care.

Both parties flip around for awhile.
Sis: Hmm, you know what?
Bro: No, I don't know. What?
Sis: I was at my friend's house today, and he has this cat, which really looks like Garfield. And it's name is Dino (referring to Willy's cat)
Bro: Ooo... exactly like Garfield?
Sis: Yea, it's like orange in colour and has stripes lah, just like Gar.
Bro: Ooo... the tail also got stripes like Garfield?
Sis: Yea.
Bro: Ooo... the face leh? Also got stripes exactly like Garfield?
Sis: Yea.
Bro: Ooo... the legs and paws there leh? Also got stripes one ar?
Sis: Yea, i think, like Garfield also right?
Bro: (Looks at his own Garfield) No, legs where got one.
Sis: Ooo... isit? Whatever lah.
Bro: Then the nose leh? Pink colour also one ar?
Sis: Yea... I think... most cats' noses are pink what... In fact all cats' noses are pink lah.
Bro: Ooo...
Sis: Speaking about animals, let me test you. Which year of the animal is this year?
Bro: What animal? Fish ar?
Sis: Chinese Zodiac Calendar lar... Fish is not an animal leh!
Bro: Ooo... I dunno? Cat ar?
Sis: Tsk. Where got cat one?
Bro: Ooo... I dunno... fish? Er... duck? (Clearly playing a fool)
Sis: Serious lar...
Bro: I dunno lar! Monkey? Goat?
Sis: Cha (poor in performance) lar you... Ok I give you a tip... 鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴鶏狗猪(Read as Shu,Ngau,Fu,Tou,Long,Seh,Ma,Yong,Hou,Kai,Gou,Ju in Cantonese)
Bro: Huh?
Sis: 鼠牛虎兔龍蛇馬羊猴鶏狗猪
Bro: Pig?
Sis: Bingo!
Bro: Yay! *Self-applaud*
Sis: Yes lar, chicken, sleep lar.
Bro: I'm not chicken, I Wooster (Rooster)
Sis: What wooster... rooster lar. Cacat lar you.
Bro: Wooster.
Sis: Yes yes, cacat wooster.
Bro: You dwagon.
Sis: No. I'm a dragon. You're the cacat wooster.
Bro: Cacat dwagon.
Sis: I said d lor, I'm not a dwagon, I'm a DRAgon. You're the cacated one.
Bro: Cacated dwagon.
Sis: OK, sleep lar.
Bro: Dwagon.
Sis: Cacat wooster.

2 minutes (actually I dunno how long) ticked past...
Bro: Jie?
Sis: What?
Bro: What is pork called in Malay?
Sis: Pork? Babi lah.
Bro: Not pig lah, pork.
Sis: Er... must be daging babi kua? But I'm not sure leh... never really heard people saying this term before... haha!
Bro: Ooo... then beef leh?
Sis: Daging lor.
Bro: Har? Daging daging?
Sis: No. Daging is generally meat lah, but daging usually means beef also.
Bro: Ooo...
Sis: Talking about pigs... you remember you had a pig softtoy last time that was called 'Pinky'?
Bro: Yea... so...?
Sis: What happened to it ar?
Bro: Somewhere around lar... Ooo jie, then chicken pox in Malay is called Babi Ayam ar?
Sis: Heh?! Got name one lar... I don't remember. Why Babi Ayam? Not Ayam Babi? It's chicken pox right? So shouldn't it be Ayam- Chicken, Babi-'Pork' (pox)?
Bro: No. I ask you, what is Pisang Goreng?
Sis: Fried Banana?
Bro: Yalor... so Babi Ayam lar. Malay always the other way round one mar.
Sis: Ooo, yea hor.
Bro: Haiyo, cacated dwagon.
Sis: Babi lar you. Seriously babi! Hahaha! Ok, sleep lah, cacated-babi-wooster-Tan.
Bro: Good night dwagon.
Sis: Good night wooster.
Bro: Peanut. *randomness and is a personal joke between us*

*Note* - Er, to those who have siblings who personally are in whatever sort of liaison with my own sibling, please try not to let eyes other than that of your own view this post. My sibling has this problem of being extremely emo-ish concerning stuff about him being posted on my blog. Many many apologies. This post is dedicated to my lil bro who is now confined to the house, itching and suffering from chicken pox much worse than mine was. Get well soon, and look who has the last laugh...


ChaosGenesis said...

LOLX>..the post DAM KAO FUNNY WEI!!!!


nice one!!! :D

Yong-Sama said...

hahah thanks man

Anonymous said...

lol..nice post!! its damn cool to have a sibling tat one can talk with :D

lol..dino..guess wat..ks also said tat dino looks like garfield :P..GMTA :D n he wanted to make it dance..damn swt..

anyway do update more ya (tat is if u have time) ciao n cya around

ChaosGenesis said...

hey...i tink evry1 tinks dino looks lyk garfield..jus needs 2 gain a lil more w8..hehe... oh swt...make it dance....u can earn $$$ if dat happens man...

yup :) dese kinda posts rock btw :P altho i do miss ur insightful posts :)

Yong-Sama said...

hehe dancing dino would be uber cute...n so wat if ks thinks dino looks like garfield.. who doesnt =p sorry haha

oo u miss my insightful posts? i dun really like them.. because being such a perfectionist they always don't turn out the way i want them too.. ah but blah.. maybe after my pt i'll update again.. =D

ChaosGenesis said...

haha...indeed.. LOLX.....chill yong :P

yea...i noe how u fl...being a bit of a perfectionist myself...i rly noe how it feels wen d post turns out...not d way u 1 it 2 b :P and even wrose..not getting d response u hoped XD okok :D shall w8 4 put in humourous posts in btwn tho :)

Jia Ling said...

wah damn chun.. nice post :D

N.. apparently my bro also cant pronoune the Rrrr sound properly..haha. Maybe roosters r meant to be Woosters XD

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