Friday, September 28, 2007


When you say that someone is good looking or is more than average, let me ask you this:

Which particular feature of the person led you to such a conclusion?
Was it that person's nose? High cheekbones? Sharp-refined jaw line? Hairstyle? Hot, sexy body? Or was it just everything as a whole?

Well for me, I usually look at the face features as a whole first, but mere seconds later, the eyes are what gives me my final judgement on that person.

To me, the eyes of a person are the most important trait to look out for. The eyes will tell you everything you want to know, whether the person is really telling the truth, whether they are really happy and even shows if the focus and concentration of so and so is present or not. So to say, in my opinion, the eyes are always the most beautiful attribute of a person.

And yes, I just love guys with those extremely dreamy and intense eyes enough to kill a girl on the spot (who doesn't? XD).

Let's see, Yong-sama's 'Top 5 List of Men with Killer Eyes' are:

Tom Cruise. Not only does he have that handsome smile that can easily melt any girls heart, he also has that buffed body and intense eyes, all together in a delicious set-combo.

No. 4

And not to forget our Asian stars, tied at 4th placing is Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro. They're not just good looking, they're also Asian. Just look at the pictures (especially Takeshi's one), 'nuff said.

No. 3

Okay, I think I may be a little bias on this one. But Orlando Bloom sure has that pretty-boy face that I adore so much and also that awesome 'kakkoii' (cool) impression that has been permanently imprinted in my brain ever since he played the role of Legolas in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And when you've spent thousands of hours staring at his pictures, trust me, I know what I'm saying when I say he deserves a spot on my list.

No. 2 Ah yes. Young Zac Efron. Well if you're wondering... NO, I am not obsessed with him, besides the point that High-School Musical is so the rage of tweens nowadays. But I do have to admit that he has eyes to die for. Have you ever noticed how clear his blue eyes are, it's like as if you're staring into some clear blue lake water or something. The only thing I love about Zac are his eyes, and well maybe his dancing skills as well.

No. 1

And the NUMBER 1 man on my list. Wentworth Miller *screams and dies*. Some of you may know him better as Michael Scoffield, the lead character of the drama series Prison Break. Oh gosh, I just can't stand the intensity reverberating from his eyes. Every time I pass by a magazine store and see his picture on the cover, I'll go like "Oh mi gosh, it's Wentworth Miller. Gosh just look at those eyes *sigh*," and end up drowning in them. I think if I were to really meet him and have him say," Hey there" to me while staring straight into my eyes, I'd literally drown in his eyes and end up melting into a puddle of Yong-mud right in front of him. Words are just impossible to describe what I feel whenever I look at those dreamy eyes of his. *Sigh* <--- look what I mean? Aye, I love those dreamy eyes.

Yong-sama's favourite eye colour in men? It's green. And I really mean it when I say I will melt on the spot if I meet Wentworth Miller in person. Asian men need not worry, as long as your eyes are not telling lies, you have my atttention. ;D


ChaosGenesis said...

eyes eh? yeah eyes tell u alot :) 2 bad asian guys dun hav nice eyes...haha :)

errr...i look at d overall in general...not specific :)

LOLX..d small note...haha...afraid u mite lose a couple of would b bfs? :D

Yong-Sama said...

yes la.. must of course take every chance that i can get right? not push them away.. (unless i really don't like then i will throw away la XD)

ChaosGenesis said...

hehee....wonder y no1 (other den...well we noe who) has tried 2 approach u Oo ..but u nvr tell eh :D

Yong-Sama said...

people are scared of me leh.. i oso dunno y (guys esp).. apparently word has been getting around that i'm a black belt lolzz.. but then so what if i am? it's not like i'll go around kicking ppl's butt zzzz =.=

ChaosGenesis said...

scared of u? i'm not scared of u....well...mayb ur jus 2 much of an overachiever lar... :P need 2 w8 until u get an overachieving dude admiring ur overachievingness :D den u guys can overachieve with each other :D

Anonymous said...

asian guys have nice eyes mate although most asian have small eyes..mata sepek sial :P n i do argee eyes r one of the best features of a human!! i do like people's lips too :D

i felt quite zha tou when i read this "(unless i really don't like then i will throw away la XD)" poor friend..

indeed it is odd y no one else other than (...) have tried..n damn lame la u wy..guys r not scared of girls tat have black belt :p (im sure u have some other guys trying too :D..but tats ur perogative right :D) course la qh not scared of wy :P..interesting theory qh :P

dxfsdg said...

wenworth miller I LIKE *drools all over the table*

Yong-Sama said...

wehehe cmaine XD *drools with you*

lol yea so does that mean that the guy ego just can't take accept an overachiever like me?

me lame? eh hello? i heard that from a guy himself ok.. i was sitting at the edge of the lecture seat when he didn't even dare to say "excuse me" to move in.. *feels hurt*

ChaosGenesis said...

haha..i tot dose blue eyes are wat d asian girls fall for :) yes lar..mata sepet lar doink :P hehe...'s ok wui li...u cant sry 4 evryone :)

HAHAHAHA...indeed...i dun tink dey wud b afraid of a girl wid a black belt either... hehe....

haha...y so many :P eh? XD

urm..not rly..mayb dey feel dey dun match up 2 ur expectations? :) cmt....aww...come come wy...dun hurt hurt all :)

Yong-Sama said...

lol i'm not LAME T______T or am i? XD

Anonymous said...

opps..mata sepet :D..

many :P cause having emoticons roxs !! :D

indeed dont hurt hurt!!..he might just be too shy..after all ur pretty..n LAME.. :D or maybe its some gay pickup line..he trying to tackle some guy near u..k im LAME :D..

magmachilli said...

Honestly it can't be because you have a black belt. I agree with Wui Li, he must be shy and that's it. And about her not being approached, it's probably because you're too pretty (is there such a thing?) Well I think guys tend to approach targets that are well within their range and probably most of them have very low confidence in themselves and think of you as not in the same class range as you and therefore think it's impossible. Plus maybe word about (...) got out? LOLZ


ChaosGenesis said...

yes yes! i agree wid jo :D

n no ur not lame WY...tsk tsk...wui cud u say sucha ting!

dunu abt d dude who din dare 2 say excuse me..dats jus rather sad...

Yong-Sama said...

lol well jo maybe u're right but i still think most guys have that ego thing where their girl is not supposed to be better than them.. u guys might not think like that but i do know many out there who does.. ah well.. it's not like it matters to me anyway XD

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