Monday, October 13, 2008

I wanna blog but all I can think of is *Rant Rant Rant*
And I don't wanna blog about that

I think I'm insane for taking the 3 core papers this semester
But I wanna get over them ASAP

I feel like digging out my brains and dumping them in the garbage
But I certainly cannot live without them

I wanna go for a holiday far, far away from here
But I freaking don't have that luxury

I want time to stop right where it is now
And yet I also want time to go forward

I feel like strangling myself
But yet I want to live

So, what should I do?

So much for this not being a rant


ChaosGenesis said...

mmm.... yeah i can understand what u feel :)

well... its kinda... compulsory no? (to finish fast).... dun rush it too much! ok?

oh... defnly not... bcuz bimbos dun live ;)

mmm.. soon soon.. b patient :)

i think... i'd prefer to go a lil forward b4 i want it to stop completely *wink*

nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... dun u even dare TRY :P

u shud.... talk to SOMEONE about it ;)

tInKy said...

u should continue to rant until your word quota runs out. :p

MISS U !!!!!!!!!!!!@>@

Yong-Sama said...

hahaha... maybe I should XD..

Miss you too Sue-Anne, and looking forward to having you back in Msia soon =D

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