Sunday, July 01, 2007

A thousand apologies

A thousand apologies to all my readers...
(although by the time I actually apologise 1000 times to each and everyone of you I'd probably be 78 years old and suffering from Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease -go google it blah-)

I know I haven't been actively blogging for the past 2 to 3 months and I know I have readers who'd loyally come by every 3 days or so just to check and see if I'd made a new post. And when they do, what do they see but the same post I've made like who knows how long ago and a fairly active chatterbox, minus anything from the owner. Although I would say I have reasons for my lack of blogging, I still do not think that it is sufficient enough to redeem the disappointments suffered by my beloved readers (ee.. sounds so corny), what more with me having my holidays now and everything.

But anyway fear not, let me get my act back together, say in like a few days or so, and I'll try and cook up something that will blow your heads away (ok... I don't really wanna commit murder or anything lol)

And before I log off for today, just lemme wish all my readers here a Happy 1st of July... the month that kills my savings because for no particular reason my friends' parents just decided to have them in this month of so many months. Whee~ Happy 1st of July!

1 comment:

ChaosGenesis said...

hahaa...i do so jus about evryday...and yeah i see d same post over and over again :P altho i hav 2 say i'm kind of used 2 it by now XD i still check ur blog tho...(nt sure y i do it so oftenly tho...mayb its cuz i'm bored LOL) but u hav a good blog :D dun wry abt not updating it...evry1 has a time wen deir blogs dun get updated :) hope 2 hav my mind blown away soon ;) cheers~

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