Saturday, May 05, 2007

The 10 things...

The 10 things I'm missing right now:

10. My grandma's herbal soup... although I just had it 3 days ago.

9. Japan and everyone I know in Japan.

8. The times where I would walk back from school alone. Although I sometimes dreaded it, it was one of the best moments where I would allow my mind to wander into its own world (of course keeping alert for anything suspicious and cars when crossing roads and drains).

7. My kakkoii Japanese teacher Moriyama sensei.

6. The old school days where it was totally ok to fail in your exams as you wouldn't have to worry about paying extra money in STERLING POUNDS to resit the exam. (In fact, you wouldn't have to resit ANY exams in good ole' school days)

5. The fun times I had playing RO with my peeps. This point goes all out to Kaji, Iced Shadow and Jonjon.

4. The times where my taekwondo peeps and I would enter competitions and totally OWN in them (okla... not TOTALLY, but hey we're seriously quite good =p). Everybody's too busy to enter competitions now T_T.

3. My Ipoh Hakka Mee!!!

2. The sane part of my mind which I fear is lost forever.

1. All my friends who I haven't seen today. That would be my college bApaKz gang, who I haven't seen for a week; me old gang of 5 gals that managed to stick together for good or for bad for the past 6 years; and the teddies who I just met up with yesterday, 2 months ago, and the other 2 who are currently in Australia.

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