Okay, okay... I know what most of you might be thinking now...'What is this girl trying to say lah... Crazy one ar she? Of course there's big and small lah... Not like nobody never seen different sizes of the same thing before also... SHEESH...'
Hahahaha... yes, I bet 10¥ (equivalent to our RM0.30) that most of you just let that thought run through your mind. And I also bet that this might be the same thought going through most minds if I were to declare the thing about size I mentioned just now out in public. Either that, or people might go, "Yea...so...?" while at the same time giving me that 'I-so-do-not-get-or-care-what-the-hell-you-are-blabbering-about' look. Unfortunately, I believe I get a lot of that look most of the time, even though the other person might try to hide it under their 'Yes-it-is-such-an-interesting-topic-' face, I can still see through it.
Well, in order to try and prove (not exactly prove la... I don't have to... just need to show only), here are some pictures (which although is supposed to make this post look interesting, but somehow it seems like it isn't doing its job at it)...
For my first example:
Big bottle, small bottle. See the difference? One is BIG and one is smaller right?(Photobucket is being a b**** with me and didn't allow me to upload the pic upright... so sorry for those who had to turn their heads sideways to look... Lol)
Next picture: Big calculator, and small calculator.
(My brother actually complained to me when he saw this picture. His actual comment was, "Ohhh... that's why my calculator was downstairs on the floor lah... What lah you, jie..."
I 'borrowed' his calculator and took it downstairs to take this photo. Being me, I actually forgot to place it back after borrowing it, hence the comment =p)
Picture no.3:
Okay, say it with me. Big pikachu, small pikachu... Pikachuuuuuuuuuu!!! (Do try to stress on the BIG and small when you say it).
And again the next picture:
Small kuali and Big kuali... (okaylah... have to admit, the size is not that obvious in this pic, but if you don't believe me, come on over to my house, will be glad to show it to you, and while I'm at it even cook up something... although I cannot assure you that it won't be burnt, black or tasty for that matter... Hehehe...)
Lastly, picture no.5: Okay, okay... this one is not so much about size, but more of length. But it still proves what I'm trying to tell you right??? (and F.Y.I, NO, i did not cut the other half of my knee-socks to turn it into the shorter one in the photo... =.=)
Are you now convinced that almost everything has a definite BIG and small? Think about sport shoes... try comparing an adult shoe and a baby's one... What do you get, one BIG one small right? (Just remember walking into Nike and going goo-goo-gaa-gaa over how cute but expensive baby shoes are...)
So, what am I trying to prove now? Nothing much actually... just wanted to show you that stuff like this is pretty normal. I mean, you see it everywhere right? Some of it even right under your noses, so it's nothing rare.
But, I have to confess, that one certain thing with this "BIGsmall" theory really gave me a huge surprise.
Examine specimen R-1
This is your normal Rocky chocolate stick. (You know Rocky, the one that provides us kids ever present pleasure with chocolate-dipped wafer sticks? If you haven't heard of Rocky, then ulu la you... I'd advise you to head over to the latest convenient store and actually buy and try it...)
Examine specimen R-2 This is also another chocolate-dipped wafer stick. So, what's so different about this one?
Let's continue examining specimen R-3-1 then: Still don't see the difference?
How 'bout specimen R-3-2... Look at the sheer size of the bigger Rocky stick la wei... It's not just about the length you know, look at how extra thick it is (Actually it was the thickness that gave me the surprise). Can you even fathom how enjoyable it was to actually just hold it and run my fingers over the smooth layer of chocolate? Can you even imagine the feeling I had when I took the first bite of 'Big-Rocky'? No... I doubt that you can.
So there I was, blabbering all about my pleasurable experience with 'Big-Rocky' to my fellow college mate who is also a big fan of Rocky sticks, eyes wide with excitement and everything, when she suddenly just cut me mid-way through my story and said, "Oh, I've seen even bigger ones before lah my dear, usually at airports." Finishing her sentence, she held up her hands wide, more than twice the size my 'Big-Rocky' had been.
Right at that moment, the 'Big-Rocky' bubble inside me went 'pop'. I could only stare at her miserably as she commented, "I'll get you one packet the next time I see it, okay?" I nodded back woodenly, my whole "Rocky-World" crashing down around me as she turned back to her notes in front of her. Never in my life had someone done so much damage to my bubble in the short span of 10 seconds. T__T
For those of you who are like my friend and have probably seen Rocky sticks just as big, and who are also laughing at my silliness right now, just forget that you actually read this post. People can be 'ulu' at one time or another, and I guess this is just my turn. ;D
(P.S. No, I am not going to pay you the 10¥ if you come and tell me, "No... I didn't think of that thought also... Looks like you lost your bet...". It was only an expression, FYI...:p)-- for those who don't understand what I'm talking about, please refer to Para 3 Line 1 of this particular post, thank you.
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