Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sudah tua

Yalor, memang sudah tua.. Lol..

Feels different having to celebrate a birthday this year without dad being around... For as far as I could remember, every year, without fail, he would come into my room early in the morning, kiss me on the cheek and wish me a happy birthday.. But this year, dad's not around anymore to do that.. and gosh, Daddy, I really miss you so much..

Life still requires you to move on I guess.. And I do know that one day, if I make it up there, I'll see him there again, and I find comfort in that..

Anyway, on a lighter note, thank you everyone for the kind and warm birthday wishes :)
I will try to be a little wiser now that I'm a year older.. Lol..
(Note: Try, no guarantees XD)

And I finally have a new baby :D
And gosh is she beautiful XD
First post blogging from my new baby :D
*happy happy happy*


Chayanne said...

Please flash your new baby when you meet us okay!

ChaosGenesis said...

lappy lappy!! :DDDDDDD

Fantasizer said...

hehe yaya bring ur new baby along to our gathering :P see you soon i guess?

Wui Li said...

So does that mean QH is the daddy?? :P

Anyway, show it to us when we meet up the next time :) Have fun with your new baby :)

Yong-Sama said...

LOL Wui Li!!!
No.. he didn't contribute.. I had an affair.. hahahahaha

Yeah sure thing girls (and boss), baby's quite heavy for a 14" tho >.<

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