Monday, September 28, 2009

New-found 'Obsession'

Obsessions. Everybody has them some time or other.
Some major ones, some minor ones.

But then again, I wouldn't really call this an obsession actually.

I'm sure throughout your life, you've at least collected (or tried to collect) one thing or another.
I for one, definitely have. Although, I must say, I'm not really much of a good collector.

Let's see, I've TRIED collecting lots of things over the years.
I've done stamps.. (I have a few stamp books, don't know where they've gone now though)
I've done stickers.. (I still have my sticker books... and gosh was I really crazy about it once)
I've done books.. and I still do... (I'm a bookworm, I yearn to own a library one day)
I've done toys and soft toys.. (Remember the world Snoopy collection and Hello Kitty, courtesy of McDonald's a long, long time ago? Sadly I didn't manage to complete my collection)
I've done Mentos boxes (Don't ask why, don't ask how, don't ask =.=)

I still kinda have an intention to collect sand from beaches I've visited and also fridge magnets... but so far, I only have a bottle of sand and fridge magnet from Redang.

So well, I was never successful in collecting stuff anyway.

But this time, this time it's going to be different.
"Why?" You may ask.
Well, it's because I fell in love.

Ah yes, I fell in love......
With the new Coke Contour Glasses from McDonald's! XD

And this time... I'm determined to get all 7 of them!!!

My home needs some nice new glasses anyway... :p
Although like my dad pointed out, I don't know where to place and display them nicely. My kitchen is so full of stuff already. =.=

But meh, I don't care, shall only think about that problem later XD

2 down and 5 to go for me~

Oh, and just as a side note:

I'm pink!
If you're bored enough to read my blog, then here's to wasting more time taking another irrelevant personality quiz.

Cheers everyone~

I'm so gonna get fat with all the large McValue Meals =.=


Fantasizer said...

hahaha ouh so it's from mcd.
my bro brought back one too i was wondering whr he got from. now i know xD gluck collecting all!

Yong-Sama said...

haha thanks :D

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