Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm happy!!! =D
Edit: Scratch that, I'm more relieved than happy actually... (and after getting news from fellow friends I'm not so happy anymore >.<)

Grats to all those who made it through their papers as well! =D
Finally! I can officially say "Bye-bye and good riddance" to my core papers... Lol

Oh, and I'm looking forward to you treating us dinner Wui Li :p

PS - Thanks so much for coming over and keeping me company, dear :)


ChaosGenesis said...

congrats again on passing all ur papers baby! /kis

hehe... it was a pleasure 2 have been dere 4 u hon :)

Yong-Sama said...

Thanks hon ^^
You should be proud... you were the 1st one to know my results.. even before me.. Lol..

ChaosGenesis said...


well... yeah hor O.o

but i wasn sure mar :P

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