It's the month of August! It's the month you get to know more about Yong-sama!
Aiyah, I just picked it up from Sue-Anne's and Qi Hong's blog after rummaging through their old posts. I do realise that he tagged me like who knows how long ago but I didn't bother to do anything as I was busy (or I might have been). Ah well, something extra to add to my August posts so people have no right to say I haven't been blogging then =p
5 Weird things about myself:
No 1 - Remember the KFC bun you always get when you order their set meals. Well yeah, what I like to do is bite off the top of the bun, put in coleslaw, cover it over with mash potatoes, and add a small red dot of chili on the top. And I'll only consume it after eating my first piece of chicken.
No 2 - I love and love to wear lacy, pretty, colourful undergarments. I mean come on, who doesn't? Don't you like to look good both inside and outside? Aww man... Is it just me or what?
No 3 - I have this weird 'thing' of getting influenced easily by the person sitting next to me in class. No, not in style or fashion or habits or anything, it's their handwriting. If I sit next to the same person for too long, my handwriting will start changing to look like the handwriting of the person beside me.
No 4 - I need at least 9 hours of sleep a day to be totally awake and focused for the following day, else I get all cranky and will start to space out by 3 in the afternoon.
No 5 - The secret is out: I still have my bolster I was using since I was 3 years old, and am still using it up until now. Go on, you can laugh at me, I don't care =.=
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: If you're reading my blog, you'd most probably know my name. But anyway, what people call me ranges from Wan Yong to Yong to Yong-yong to 'Wan U' to Yong-sama to Yong-chan and Yong-san and the occasional OI or EH.
Birth Date: The 27th day of the 8th month of 19XX
Current Status: What status lah? Be specific! Mental status - Insane, Physical status - Somewhat there but not fit enough, Dating status? - Single but extremely unavailable. No I'm not weird or anything FYI. Studies first studies first!
Eye Colour: Hazel brown.
Hair Colour: Was golden brownish about 10 years back, and then it was brown... and now? It's almost close to black. (Nuuuu my beautiful golden brown hair......)
Righty of Lefty: Righty and will always be. I can't even write my name with my left hand (stupid, useless piece of &$@!)
Layer 2: On the INSIDE?
My Heritage: Ima Chinese! HockChiew and Hakka (I can't speak either) (although I've had people saying that I'm a Japanese/Korean)
My Fears: I hate centipedes and millipedes and also flying cockroaches, I'm afraid I'll die in a really horrific way like having my head run over by a bus or a lorry, and I dread the day the doctors declare me a diabetic and ban me from all my sweet sweet stuff
My Perfect Pizza: Er... Spaghetti with meatballs, Carbonara, Extreme Supreme Hawaiian Chicken and Super Extra Seafood all on each quarter of a Box-shaped pizza with filling in it =D (I know it sounds nuts)
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow...
My Thoughts First Waking Up: "Whuuuut? Whut time isit? Whut day isit? Oh crap am I late for class? FISHES!!!" *scrambles out of bed and nearly falls*
My Bedtime: Between 11pm - 2am, and 3pm - 5pm, as long as I get a minimum of 9 hours sleep
My Most Missed Memories: My time spent with friends yam-cha-ing and BS-ing, family during holidays, foster family in Japan, sensei and tomodachi in classes, dreams in my sleep (o.O)...
Layer 4: My Pick?
Pepsi or Coke: It doesn't matter, they taste the same. (To those who disagree, sorry-lah okay, my tongue cacat la sheesh) But if you have to know, it's Coke... Pepsi is just so... 'Pepsi'
McDonald's or Burger King: McD's for the price and fries and sundaes and cute plush toys. Sorry la Burger King... if you had the guts and $$$ to pop up everywhere just like McD's then maybe I'd have said "Burger King"...=p
Single or Group Dates: I'd prefer single I guess, it'd be so weird having group dates... Make me think of orgy only LOL
Adidas or Nike: Nike wins in the design category, although they suck at the quality category. But I still like Nike T_T
Tea or Nestea: Har? Nestea also has tea in it, no? Yer... Nestea over tea but green tea over Nestea anytime
Cappuccino or Coffee: Same right? Caffeine in both?!?! Ipoh white coffee owns all lah
Layer 5: Do You...
Smoke: Never in my life. Not even if anyone threatens to commit suicide =.=
Curse: Of course. It's not that I love to do it or anything. My favourite word for now is FISHES btw... (as in I love to eat fish punya fish okay) =D
Take a Shower: Who doesn't? o.O Oh wait, some people only take BATHS... Do you realise how much water you're wasting taking BATHS!? *blahblahblahblah...waste of water...blahblah pollution...blahblahblah...think of future generations...blahblah...end of the world...blahblah*
Have a Crush: No. Noooo. NO. (Must... Concentrate... On... Studies...)
Think You've Been in Love: Nah, never. I'm only 19. Oh oops... age terbocor adi...
Go to School: Went to school. Goes to college.
Want to Get Married: Duh
Believe in Yourself: Definitely. I trust you, Yong. I LOVE ME! XD
Think You are a Health Freak: Not really, but I wouldn't like to die of multiple health problems either
Layer 6: In the Past...
Drank Alcohol: Yes, even before I was legally permitted to. I wasn't your perfect angel and good girl most people think I am.
Gone to the Mall: Eh hello?! I live in the city okay? I'm not some ulu person okay?
Been on a Stage: Countless of times. I still get 'pre-stage' butterflies though
Eaten Sushi: Yep, both lousy sushi in Malaysia and super expensive but delicious sushi in Japan. Aiya, this question should ask 'Eaten worms/bugs' or something mar... Sushi's so common
Dyed Your Hair: Nope. Dyeing your hair ruins it! "Say NO to hair dyes! NO to hair dyes!"
Layer 7: Have You Ever...
Played a Stripping Game: Nope, not physically? Lol... if just main main in chat room then... (but I didn't finish the game though!!!)
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Not once. Although there were times in the past that I wished I was different, I never actually thought of carrying out the action. As of now, I'm happy and satisfied with who I am (and I hope it'll be the same in the future too)
Layer 8: Age You're Hoping...
To Be Married: Latest by 29, earliest 26 (But if I'm still a spinster by 35... I think I'd need somebody's help... lol)
To Die: It'd be nice if I would be able to see 88 birthday candles on my cake. But as long as I think that I've enjoyed life as I wanted to, I'd peacefully go
Layer 9: In a Girl...(Eh shouldn't this be Boy for me? LOL)
Best Eye Colour: Turquoise or green is my dream-guy's eye colour =D But since there wouldn't be much variety in Asians, dark brown would be fine (Oh, and no contact lenses... original only)
Best Hair Colour: Something dark, black or dark brown would be cool
Short Hair or Long Hair: In between, a little on the long side. (Actually short also can be quite hot...depends on the person. Look at Wentworth Miller lah -Michael Scofield from Prison Break- crew cut on him is sooo hot! XD)
Layer 10: What Were You Doing...
A Minute Ago: Obviously filling up the blanks in this post. But if you were to say exactly, I would've been typing "Obviously filling up the blanks in this post.", before I paused to think what to write next.
An Hour Ago: Sitting in Viv's Myvi, on the way back from KL
4.5 Hours Ago: Hanging at Viv's house, having lunch while chatting with Ai Cheng
A Month Ago: Precisely one month ago, I would've been attending Taxation classes at college
A Year Ago: One year? Hmm... Eh I don't know lah... how can one possibly remember? It should've been a Sunday... Ah! Got it! I was taking my usual Sunday afternoon nap (which I no longer am able to enjoy anymore T_T )
Layer 11: Finishing the Sentences...
I love: My Daddy, Mummy and lil bro and other family members, all my friends, God my Father, books, Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp, okonomiyaki, green tea, anime, my electone and the precious expensive songbooks from Japan, my electronic dictionary, birthdays, sports and baking, money, chocolates and anything sweet, and last of all, Mr.Patrick Star
I hate: Centipedes and millipedes, flying cockroaches, the college cafeteria closing on Sundays, smokers who don't give a damn about all the 2nd hand smokers around them, and the Malaysian attitude of drivers who always slow down to 'pat' at any stalled cars/accidents on the road.
I hide: Certain secrets from my parents and sometimes even friends, chocolates I bought with my own cash from my brother, feelings that I don't want to show (wah so emo)
I miss: My host family all the way in Japan, all the great times I spent with my beloved friends and family, going to secondary school, being able to take naps on Sunday afternoons...
Yep, that's all. You don't have to read this if you don't want to you know. Next is...
Wan Yong's birthday list!!! I want......
Just kidding. Figure out what I want yourself =p. Even if I do tell, I think most of you won't be able to afford it anyway =p. Happy hunting!