On this random cloudy day, random dark clouds have been randomly covering the sky ever since morning of this random day. And now, as I randomly sit at my computer table, I've randomly decided to blog about this randomly beautiful and useful word, RANDOM.
On extremely useful random word, don't you think? Randomly perfect to use when you think a random someone is randomly acting in a random way that you did not randomly expect. Not just that, it's also randomly useful in random situations where you just can't think of something random to hit back at that random someone. Now as you randomly decide to read my random post, just ask yourself: How often do I randomly use this random word RANDOM?
More randomly often than not? No? Then how about just randomly when you randomly need it? No? What? You haven't heard of the random use of this random word? Well then, if you have randomly answered 'yes' to my last random question then maybe you might need to randomly get some random help y'know.
Okay, I seriously do not know why did I randomly choose to blog about this random word. Maybe it's a random sign to tell me that I am running out of better random ideas. Or maybe it's just me being at my random best (or random worst).
Anyway back to this random subject/word/post, I randomly wonder if people actually realise it when they randomly use this random word. A lot of random people don't actually realise it... it's like how some random people always uses "Swt..." or even "GG".
Maybe some random person who holds any random PhD should do a random study on this. Yea... then that random person can start calling this random research project 'Randomology' or something. And then once this random subject is all randomly figured out and stuff maybe some random university can start randomly giving out random degrees, masters and PhDs to those who managed to complete the random study of this random word turned random subject. That would be total randomness *akin to coolness* won't it? Random XD
I randomly have this feeling that the random majority of you will not understand this post. I randomly do not care. I feel totally random right now. The randomness of this post is just so refreshing!
So randomly join me! Join this random me in my randomness on this randomly cloudy day!
Random whee~!
75 Random abuses of the word 'RANDOM' including these sentences.
'Random' image © of Yong-sama 2007
Man that was pretty random... But I have to say you produce awesome literature. And I like the 'random' image. ;p
wahaha literature? XD thanks thanks.. yea had a pretty hard time making the 'o' in the random look nice lolz..
i see you got lazy... didn't try to make it circular... lolz
nice post :) it was randomly beautiful~
yes it was late n i was so sick of seeing those glowing thingys.. haha
thanks qh..
Ooo hehehe!! You did that urself? S-weet! good work. Unlike me, all lazy and just steal pics of the net :P
yes la.. told u that u can write d one lor >.< literature~ :D:D:D So cool man.. one day our kids studying literature by Yong
lol everybody can write.. its whether they write GOOD or NOT.. heheh
aiya steal pics easier way mer :p
Very nicce!
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